That’s right, I am a published author. I guess I already was, but with only a few bylines thus far, each new publication is a major accomplishment.
The Little LIP Guide to Alaska is available on the Location Independent website. I’ve become a fan of the site since deciding to become location independent myself—the site offers practical advice along with personal and business resources to help readers make the transition from permanent residence to location independent. One of those resources is my little ebook, published a couple weeks ago but complementing a series of Little guides to various parts of the world.
Writing the guide, and including all of the relevant information, was actually a little more difficult than I had expected. You think you know a place just because you’ve been there for a while, but when it comes to the specifics, the information is much more elusive than you realize!
So, thanks to all who helped me start this big adventure. This guide is just the first step on my literary journey, but it has proved to me that I can do it, and will continue to do it. I’ll call myself a writer yet!